why am I still single?

rite...so i was just doing some quiz at facebook...n tersampai plak kat satu kuiz yg bunyik dy menarik gile...'why r u still single...' buat pnye buat pnye buat...akhirnye result dy ielah....

mind may say you want a relationship, but your heart clearly is not there yet. All of your actions speak of one who is more about the chase than the actual catch. It's okay to be this way, but we have to wonder why you took this quiz in the first place. Do you think society wants you to have a relationship? Are you just trying to compete with a former ex? None of these reasons are good enough to actually delve into a relationship we must say, so until you can really commit, we suggest you continue your tromp as a rouge about town.

true enough..
i am never ready..
face it~ haha


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