BEST JUGAK sbnarnye usrah ni ek...hahaha

haha k cni..mase first klas usrah..miss tu just ckp usrah ni pasal ape sume tu ar....pahtu dy ade ckp dga muzik byk2 ley mengeraskn ati ar...pahtu time tu dy soh ar..kitorng bile blk umah tulis dlm satu kertas..ckp ape yg dpt dplajari dr klas tu...aku tgh emo tau mase tu...mcm2 aku bygkn aku tules...aku rase cm nk mintak pndpt dy tntng hidup tu nanti aku gtau ar ape snanye yg aku nk tulis...skang aku tep je ape yg aku da tules dlm buku nota kecik aku...time tu tunggu bosan....

ni sume tak dtokok tambah;

'yes, i've learned something in your class today. tapi tak sure miss nk bende ni dlm bhs melayu or inggers...
xkesah la~

k, first of all...i didn't know that dengar music ley buat hati jadi keras. I AM A MUSIC LOVER! n i listen to crappy songs all the time. I LOVE MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE. their music..their mostly about death.... They said they choose death as a metaphor to describe their feelings in their music. Death, blood, vampires..werewolves...basically their songs is a combination of a story about horror movies + comic books and love ofcourse.
they say they wanna make songs that touch people. well,mission accomplished! They've touched mine. But people misunderstood me. Nobody really understand me!!! But anyway, sorry for banyak ckp psl MCR plak.... I will however, try to kurangkn dengar lagu...thanx 4 ur time....'


to be continued


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