the only hope for me is YOU!!!
I was crazy...
lagi3 bile ade orang yg penah singgah kat hidup aku, layan aku cm la aku ni special ntok dy,skali rupenye dy mmg gatal...n dgn sume pmpuan kalo leh dy nk lyn cmtu...sbb dy la otak aku makin biol, facebook aku bersepah2 dgn perasaan aku yg bercampur baur psl laki tuh.. sume orang cm "ko knape, ko knape"
tp honestly, I was really freaking messed up!!!
aku tau aku tak ske kat laki tu..
tp sebab dulu laki tu pnah bg hope kat aku...
n pnah mcm layan aku baik gila ar...
sbb tu ar aku cm
'mgkn boleh bg can kot kat mamat ni'
tp mase aku da nk bg can, mase tu ar..dy lak buat pangai...
so aku rase cm "wtf?"
sebb tu jadi cm saiko...
put heart on my sleeve la..semua bnd ngarut tu
n smpai satu thp, aku rase cm "what's wrong with me?"
n aku just jd cm relax ar...
kurangkn fikir psl dy dgn kenal laki2 lain..kat fb la mostly...
just knal cmtu2...
borak2 cm kawan...
ramai gak ar...
ade yg pangai tak snonoh cm yg jenis mat rempit cmtu..
ade yg da ade gf, pahtu nk jadikn aku skandel dy ar...ingat aku ape???
ade yg ngorat aku pahtu dlm mase yg same dy ngorat kwn baik aku gak ar...
mcm2 orang la aku jmpe..
rase nk give up da...
smpai la aku ternampk fb sorang laki yg aku mmg minat sejak dulu...
kat fb kawan aku...
so dgn mke pnuh harapan aku add ar dy...
then rase gumbira gile bile dy cpt approve...
then dy post status "......." pahtu aku pn bls ar "!!!!!!" then dy bls blk "***********"
pahtu aku bls "hahahaha" then dy bls "hehehe"
pahtu aku tgk pics dy plak...
aku cm komen2 ar...[gedik tol aku ni]
pahtu dy bls blk ape yg aku komen kat pics dy tu...
then dy fb chat ngan aku...
tp pahtu kat kolej aku cm segan tau nk tegur dy..
lgpn aku tak gtau memane kawan aku pn yg aku add dy ape sume kat fb...
so aku takot kwn aku tau rahsia aku..
so aku just tego dy cmtu2 je ar..
tp kat fb, aku mintak maaf la...
then dy mintak no aku...
pahtu aku bg je ar..
dpendekkn cite mase bulan pose nk dkt2 hari raya tu kitorang da jadi cm rajin bersms antare satu sama lain..
pahtu satu hari raye tu...dy cm ajak aku kuar.. raya keberape ntah... raya ke 3 cmtu dy macam ade bg hint2 nk kuar ngan aku...
pahtu dy cm ajak ar..
raya ke 5 kitorang kuar
pahtu dy ajak kuar lagi..
mase raya ke 8...
tp kbtulan hari tersebut mak aku buat cm buat mkn2 ntok kawan2 dy... n pggl adik bradik dy skali ar
so ofcoz mak aku takkn bagi aku kuar time tu kalo aku tnye..lagipn baru sgt kuar
making a compromise, aku ckp ar kat dy
kalo dy nk kuar ngan aku tu mmg boleh, tp dy kne dtg hari sbtu tu g open house aku dulu, pahtu mintak izin mak aku nk ajak aku kuar...
n dgn pnuh confidentnye, dy btol2 dtg pada hari kejadian, siap teman aku g raye umah erin lagi...
n dy btol2 mintak izin kat mami...!!!
pahtu mestila mami bagi...
so lepas ar...
ala g ts je tgk cite devil...
tp yg part plng best ialah..mase dy nk teman aku jln smpai lrt hang tuah ar.. da nk smpai tu, dy cm kate "eh, i pegang tgn u la.."
n aku cm "ok" [gatal]
pahtu dy tnye "ade orang pna pgg tgn u tak dulu?"
n aku ckp "takde"
n dy tnye lagi "siyus?"
n aku ckp "yep"
pahtu dy tnye lagi "cni jahat ke?" [berpegangan tgn]
n aku ckp, "ntahla..."
n dy ckp "i rase tak"
n aku ckp "i pn.."
n smpai la kat lrt...pahtu aku blk ar...
dan pada 19 sept 2010 [keesokkn harinye], aku tukar relationship status aku dari single ke in Relationship with... hehe mamat kat bawah ni ar...[tukar sesame lak tu kat cc kolej]...huhu n result dy sgt mengagumkn! aku tak sangke aku leh jadi se-happy ni...
serabai skeyt ar time ni, dating kat luar rumah aku...

mase ni kat rumah mak ita...[open house] [sexy plak baju aku]

ni lak kat pavi...[3rd date hehe]

weeeeee~ dy belanje aku makan kat Carl's gile!!

ni plak mase aku jd back up vocal ntok konsert raya hari sabtu[09oct10] haritu... best day eva la... ;D

hidup aku kali ni, makin meriah gile! woo hoo!!!
aku tak tau la, tp rase mcm... best gile la plak ade dia dlm hidup aku...
setiap mlm dia call ape sume kan, buat aku rase cm...disayangi... ok i sound cheesy...
u know what, forget it...
a picture worth a thousand words...and i posted 5 pictures!!!
bile tgk blk hidup aku dari start aku knal bdak dulu yg bg harapn palsu tu...smpai la skang...
aku rase cm GLAD gile aku tak layan bdak tu dulu...
rase mcm tak sia2 ar aku jaga diri aku...
dpt yg lagi baik, yg lagi leh appreciate aku ape sume...
Allah works in a mysterious way!
di saat aku rasa mcm "abandon all hope"
tetibe poof! dy depan aku...
n mcm tak sempat kelip mata pn
tetibe dy da jadi aku pnye...
rase mcm "but..."
n all i hear is "yes, he's yours! so enjoy!!!"
2 years later.... (tulis smbgn ni pada 20 Feb 2013)
before I start with anything, I remember this one time... orang kecoh2 kat fb psl aku dan dia... setelah all that stupid fights.... after everything that we had been thru.. After all that has said and done, After every promises that he make, After every fear that he fought for me... well ...
long story short....
this is what happened...
he's married to someone else.

June 2012.
and this;
MARCH 2014
they got a baby.
the only hope for me la sgt... pffft!!!!
and how do I feel when I look at that photo?
I just felt like singing that Nickelback song..
"look at this photograph, everytime I do it makes me laughhhh.."
other feelings:
and last but not least,
smile even if it hurts.
I come to one conclusion about love... you really can't judge a book by its cover!!
I even wrote him a poem tho.. haha
and then I realized this..
2 years later.... (tulis smbgn ni pada 20 Feb 2013)
before I start with anything, I remember this one time... orang kecoh2 kat fb psl aku dan dia... setelah all that stupid fights.... after everything that we had been thru.. After all that has said and done, After every promises that he make, After every fear that he fought for me... well ...
long story short....
this is what happened...
he's married to someone else.
June 2012.
and this;
MARCH 2014
they got a baby.
the only hope for me la sgt... pffft!!!!
and how do I feel when I look at that photo?
I just felt like singing that Nickelback song..
"look at this photograph, everytime I do it makes me laughhhh.."
other feelings:
and last but not least,
smile even if it hurts.
I come to one conclusion about love... you really can't judge a book by its cover!!
I even wrote him a poem tho.. haha
and then I realized this..
Dear Ex,
NOT YOURS Sincerely,
P/s: If you loved me, why did you leave me?
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