like fo serious?

new semester, new hope.

u know... I don't really know what to write about.. but i miss my blog.

muah, muah~~

oh. now i officially think i'm a fucking black magnet.

selalu kat kolej je dorang[blacks] ni bertegor sape smbil mengorat aku..

tp kali ni... kat luar kolej pn same.

sedang aku sebok duduk kat bus stop lrt tasek selatan smbl bace novel "pick me up" [novel pn tajuk sakai]

tibe2 ade sorang black ini menyape aku dgn bertanye "today is thursday right?"

aku yg sedang ashik membace, tak brape dgr pertanyaan dy itu.. dan berkate "ha?"

n dy repeat sebanyak 3x..dan akhirnye aku pn phm..dan menjawab "yeah!"

selepas itu aku pn smbg membace novel tersebut.

sekali dy tnye "u r from skool?"

aku pn "yeah, kolej" i corrected him

but then dy keep bertanye2...

blaja amek kos ape.. blah2

pahtu dy tnye aku blk ni ade orang amek ke.. aku ckp aku naik bas.

aku tnye dy blk, dy pn kate dy naik bas. aku tnye lagi dy naik bas ape.

dy menjawab "t405"

it just so happen dat i also take that bus!


n i smiled n said "me too"

pahtu blah3, bus pn smpai

d dlm bas dy dok sebelah aku.. satu krusi sebelah aku.

dy tnye aku turun mane dan aku pn berkate "cuepacs"

dy tnye kat ne.. aku senyap n tnye "why? what about u?"

dy kate dy kat "taman orked"
[dlm hati aku sumpah serampah dy, kerana taman orked sgt berdekatan dgn rumah aku]

pahtu aku ckp ar aku duduk kat "cheras permata"

n dy tnye "near alam jaya"

i nodded

n he smiled as if saying "ade can ni"

selepas bersoal jawab ngan dy..psl interest sume..

[he's so weird cuz he thinks leisure mall is fun... and.. carrefour.. for the love of god? carrefour?
that's like the place where u waste ur time buying groceries.. rite?]

pahtu dy tetibe gedik ckp "can i ask u out on a date.. maybe i can go out with u..doing shopping together"

n i was like "is he serious"

aku buat2 pekak.. n dy repeat gne macam2 ayat nk buat aku paham.

then aku ckp "i dont mean to be MEAN, but NO"

dy plak yg pretend jadi pekak kali ni.. oleh itu aku kuatkan sikit suare kate "nooooo"

n muke dy nmpak cam baru lepas kene tamparan hebat.

n dy kate "why?"

aku kate "i barely know u"

"but..there's no harm..just u n me talking..go shopping, u r a muslim, i'm a there's no harm... maybe we should just try.. try"

n aku dgn muke cube kontrol gelak.. kate "no."

pahtu dy hampe n ckp lagi "maybe u should think about it"

pahtu mase nk turun bas..dy mintak pen nk tulis nombor dy..n soh aku sms dy...


sori no cure dude.

that just wont happen.

dy siap ckp dy ske swimming n dat kat rumah dy ade swimming pool.

poyo gile.


why la wei.. dlm byk2 foreigner kat tasek selatan tu.. budak2 kliuc yg hensem dan kacak lagi tampan.. nape orang dari kolej taylor gak yg tak pasal2 tegor aku..n why does he has to be BLACK? i'm not a fucking racist. but fo sirius?

aku dlm hati da mcm redha da "jodoh aku ni kat Niger je ke?" "okla tu dari takde jodoh"

bile aku fikir blk skang aku cm "wtf was wrong with me? gile ke?"

mak aku ckp "bende2 cni bley mintak kat Allah, mintak la~~ jgn djodohkn dgn dorang~~"

aku pn "ye2" [dlm hati..there are still plenty of hope.]

doakn la agar aku tak berkahwin dgn orang berbangsa itu.. kerana aku tidak mahu.

thank u.


  1. yee..ak doakan ko dpt yg mlayu..
    beriman lg..aminnnn~

  2. hahahahahaha lawak lah sarah. xpasal2 plak ko kene ek. huuuuuuuuu aku doakan ko dpt suami MELAYU yg soleh! aminn :)

  3. hahahahahaha tu la psl...aku pn smpai rase ape je~~ thanx2~~ aku pn doakn supaye korang dapat suami soleha~

    thanx for commenting guys!!! =D


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