this is letter from hayley williams

this is a letter that Hayley wrote for Seventeen Magazine.
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Hey Seventeen readers,
It's Hayley from Paramore... hope you're all doin' well and feelin' sexy!!! I thought since I love hair and make up and other things that girls -- and even some guys -- enjoy, I could write a little about it all. There are some great products and a couple really easy tricks that I use out on the road to keep from lookin' like a hot mess. You might find they come in handy for you, too!
Well, I am obsessed with skin. My skin was never too bad until our second year on the road... then the hectic schedule and the stress began causing my skin to break out. My dermatologist introduced me to the La Roche Posay skin care line and Elta SPF 45 sunscreen (which I wear everyday) for my face and my skin has never felt better. These products are the only thing in my "beauty regimen" that can be a little costly but it's worth the money cause like I said...I'm obsessed with skin, ha.
If you dye your hair any shade of red you can attest to this: Red hair dye seems to hate us and hardly holds the way we want it to. You gotta fight for it, man! If I go 3 or 4 days between washes and only wash with color safe shampoo and freezing cold water I can usually get a good 3 weeks of vibrant colored hair.
So, if you're like me and you love coloring your hair try to part from the shower a few days...liberate yourself. Use Johnson's baby powder or Bumble and Bumble's hair powder (which comes in a few different colors) in the roots to keep your hair looking full and (sorta) clean between washes.
Last but not least, the ultimate product, baby wipes!!! Not only are they good for washing your disgusting underarms after an insane circle pit at the New Found Glory show but you can also use them to wipe off your make up and start over fresh. I use them before reapplying make up during the day and always after shows to keep eye shadow from staining my eyelids. They are easy on your skin and should take off even water proof makeup all for about $3. Versatile AND cheap!
Well, I hope some of this can be of some use to you. If not I still had fun writing it all, haha. See you at the show!


yay i love hayley!!!!
jmpe kat seventeenye blog
Get Avril Lavigne's Style
Your Style Star is Avril Lavigne.
You rock your sassy personality and roll with a bit of street and skate glam.

Avril's punk rock look relies heavily on black. A pair of fitted black jeans is a good starting point to achieve an Avril-esque aura. To up the ante, pair your pants with a graphic tee — preferably of a punk-rock band — and lace-up boots or Converse. A studded belt and oversize blazer will take your outfit to punk perfection. When it comes to evening, Avril goes glam but doesn't forgo her skater style. Add fishnets to a short black dress and top it off with 10-hole Docs. Incorporate plaid or leopard print into your formal outfits to keep your look edgy. Don't overdo the patterns, though — keep it cute, not too complicated!
hahaha i love avril..i love avril..

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